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Übersetzungen für quintessential im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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quintessential [ˌkwɪnteˈsenʃəl, Brit -təˈ-] ADJ form


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In 1955, the now famous boat on the label was chosen as the quintessential symbol of this beer with an exceptional taste.
Critics praised the manga for its creativity and described it as a quintessential "shjo" manga, as well as a critical work for manga in general.
On the continent, cloisonn and garnet were perhaps the quintessential method and gemstone of the period.
The quintessential "gift offering" was one of grain (not just high quality flour), frankincense, and oil.
It has been described as having, proven to be one of the classics of the era, and as, the quintessential bright summer sing along.
His learned, widely read, scholarly approach to the early renaissance cultural expansion demonstrated the quintessential well-rounded princely character.
Trouble is the quintessential blues song about how tribulation is intrinsic to human existence.
These titles explore the history and culture of a sport from the perspective of its quintessential or signature moment.
The book is regarded as a quintessential example of hard sci-fi, as its plot is guided by technology until the dramatic conclusion.
This is the era of quintessential monastic life and notable edifices.

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