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Übersetzungen für refreshing im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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refreshing ADJ

refreshing change
refreshing drink

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I find the author's writing style to be particularly refreshing in these days of stilted academic conformity.
Backed by a star-studded supporting cast and refreshing new artistes, the drama was a ratings hit.
The potential for health and fitness tourism is tremendous especially with a cooler and more refreshing climate.
Critics' reactions were mixed with the general thought of it being refreshing.
It is a very nice place to camp, practice surf or just take a refreshing splash in its beaches.
The album offered a refreshing respite from todays over-compartmentalized musical climate with a different sound from previous albums.
After getting a chance to work again and start a new refreshing career, he started only caring for himself.
Furthermore, all the characters were shaped by their own characteristics rather than by their race, a refreshing concept for a movie.
Periodically water is released from the reservoir into the river, enabling refreshing of ground water.
He causes it to rain, but stops when the girl says that rain can be refreshing.

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