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Übersetzungen für reserved im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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reserved ADJ


I . reserve [rɪˈzɜːrv, Brit -ˈzɜːv] SUBST

2. reserve SPORT:

reserva mf

3. reserve MILIT:

a reserva f

II . reserve [rɪˈzɜːrv, Brit -ˈzɜːv] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is claimed that certain professions such as secretarial and flight attendant positions are reserved for fair girls.
Several programs, such as terminal emulators, used only 8024 for the main display and reserved the bottom row for a status bar.
These cases are reserved to the Central Criminal Court.
Mess dress is reserved for staff NCO and officers; junior enlisted members wear dress blues.
However, they did ask that the capitalized word Spam be reserved to refer to their product and trademark.
He was considered to be a shy and reserved boy, which became noticeable in his particularly reticent conversations distinguished by the lack of personal pronouns.
In their view, baptism was reserved for repentant believers who were aware that their sins had been forgiven, not unknowing infants.
The 555 prefix was reserved for telephone company use and was only consistently used for directory assistance (information), being 555-1212 for the local area.
Put in cheesecloth with the reserved tomato "guts" and hang in the refrigerator, allowing the liquid to drip into a container below.
Finally, attitudinal values are reserved for individuals who can not, for one reason or another, have new experiences or create new things.

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