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Übersetzungen für resort im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . resort [rɪˈzɔːrt, Brit -ˈzɔːt] SUBST

1. resort kein Pl (use):

as a last resort

2. resort (for vacation):

ski resort

II . resort [rɪˈzɔːrt, Brit -ˈzɔːt] VERB intr

to resort to sth
recorrer a a. c.

Beispielsätze für resort

ski resort
as a last resort
to resort to sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is a ski resort at the pass, with a hotel with a hot steam bath, a restaurant, and a sanatorium.
The resort was incorporated in 1909, and the health spa-resort complex flourished with the advent of automobile travel in the years between the.two world wars.
Rather than resorting to such tactics as a last resort, they seem to have run in with the sole intent of having a blood bath.
Some animals follow this behavior regularly, others resort to it in uncharacteristic circumstances.
The main activities offered at the resort are alpine skiing, nordic skiing, snowshoeing, ski touring, dog sledding and hiking.
The market for conference and resort hotels is a subject for market analysis.
The resort is an important therapeutic and rehabilitation centre for several diseases.
The spring waters, containing borax whence the former name soap, were used by a resort.
The resort is designed as a car-free pedestrian zone.
The resort has grown to include eight peaks and nine bowls, with 3300acres km2 of skiing and 16 chairlifts.

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