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Übersetzungen für scale down im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Social movements may become more radical and revolutionary, and vice versa - revolutionary movements can scale down their demands and agree to share powers with others, becoming a political party.
Also, the police never warned that the coffee shop had to scale down.
Hawker's father called this a ploy to scale down the operation, which some inside sources said was coming to a close.
Day would scale down to one race for 1998 and for the rest of the years of his career, for that matter.
Despite having to scale down the kids' corner, we still had a lot of different fun activities for them.
During the movement infamous redevelopment projects were discarded or scale down, and the planning reform finally began.
The aim apparently was that he would use it to scale down one of the cliffs into a waiting rescue boat.
In the financial crisis of 1998, many hedge funds that were engaged in arbitrage strategies experienced heavy losses and had to scale down their positions.
The legislation's ultimate goal was to help those farmers scale down their mortgages.
The plan approval was given for 60 lakh sft, but the company said it would scale down construction to 40 lakh sft.

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