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Übersetzungen für second class im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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II . second class ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She was also modified to accommodate 380 first class and 50 second class passengers.
By the end of fiscal 1902 ten battleships and two second class battleships had been commissioned, with seven more battleships authorized but not completed.
Those who chose to go unarmed became second class citizens.
He first read classics in which he gained first class honours in moderations (1924) and second class honours in "literae humaniores" (1926).
Her third choice of first and second class changes are still unavailable.
There are 76 coaches, they are 26.40 metres long and seat both first and second class.
The related ranks of ordinary seaman second class and ordinary seaman, engineer's force, existed in 18761885 and 18711883, respectively.
It was a progressive award, with the second class having to be earned before the first class and so on for the higher degrees.
Third year cadets, juniors, are referred to as second class cadets (2/c).
This contains a spacious first class waiting room, second class ditto, ticket, and other necessary offices, and conveniences.

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