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Übersetzungen für sensation im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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sensation [senˈseɪʃn] SUBST


Beispielsätze für sensation

prickly sensation

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Trigeminal sensory nerve injuries are associated with pain, altered sensation and usually a combination of all three.
Such sensations usually last until the episode resolves, or until the heart rate is controlled.
The film became an international sensation and is still in distribution throughout the world.
These psychoactive properties include visual hallucinations and a sensation of flight.
There he often performed for celebrities living in the area, sometimes creating a sensation by doing one of the famous ladies in the audience.
It was a dramatic defection which created sensation in diplomatic circles and greatly boosted the morale of those engaged in the war of liberation.
However, researchers are working to identify the specific physiological mechanisms underlying the warm, open sensation in the chest elicited by elevation.
For example, a pilot who enters a spin to the left will initially have a sensation of spinning in the same direction.
As the wand is held near to the body, the spark will jump, providing the sensation.
To a different mind, one with a different sensation, the same idea could represent a different individual of the same general kind.

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