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Übersetzungen für side street im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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side street SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Parking at the school is found on the side street.
After the first few sets of introductions, image collections from cities added were more detailed, often including every side street, especially in areas closer to the center of the city.
On fully actuated signals, or semi-actuated traffic signals, pressing the button to cross a smaller side street will cause an instant walk signal.
Thinking it more than coincidence, he follows the man down a side street.
The church has an asymmetrical shape with a very plain portal facing a side street.
This very small side street, packed between the buildings, has a passport check.
It used to be presented in disorder by the side street vendors at the beginning.
The first car emerged slowly from a side street causing the van to slow down, the second car then pulled up alongside.
As such, every side street along the strip holds many more stores.
There is a marquee on the side street entrance.

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