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Übersetzungen für sleeves im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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sleeve [sliːv] SUBST

1. sleeve of shirt:

manga f

2. sleeve (cover):

bucha f

3. sleeve (for record):

capa f

Beispielsätze für sleeves

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Her kirtle sleeves button from the elbow to the wrist, and she wears a sheer veil confined by a fillet or circlet.
The bodysuit often has sleeves and varying collars.
We sang collarless and in shirt sleeves, for the place quickly grew stifling.
He was also a trained parachutist and proudly wore his wings on his sleeves.
In the 1830s, shoulders widened (with puffy gigot sleeves or flounces), skirts widened (layers of stiffened petticoats), and the waist narrowed and migrated towards its natural position.
It could be very elaborate, but often had long sleeves, a high neck, or a narrow skirt to set them apart from evening gowns.
She leaps out of the cab, unrolls the sleeves of her blue chambray shirt, and adjusts her military cap.
The style of the shirt sleeves has been changed on numerous occasions.
Flared sleeves ending at the upper bicep are similarly shaped, but are instead called butterfly sleeves.
Using specific burs through the sleeves the mucosa is removed.

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