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Übersetzungen für small talk im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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small talk SUBST kein Pl

Beispielsätze für small talk

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This type of conversation opener is often referred to as small talk and is used to make both people in a conversation feel comfortable.
He makes small talk with a comrade and looks for a fox hole to rest in.
The first layer is the superficial layer where couples make small talk.
We kept ourselves to short sentences of small talk, and were punctual to our time.
He made small talk for some time with the postmaster and eventually asked the postmaster's name.
Graves is highly disciplined operative but is not really the kind of partner for small talk or getting along with.
It is a very small store where business hours are unpredictable and service is always provided with a smile and some small talk.
These include his small talk changing foreign policies, and parallel parking a train.
Small talk brings in a large amount of new users.
He wears a flannel jacket and a cowboy hat, and makes small talk with the fans as he makes his way around the floor.

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