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Übersetzungen für speciality im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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speciality <-ies> [ˌspeʃɪˈælət̬i, Brit -ti] SUBST

Siehe auch: specialty

specialty [ˈspeʃəlti] SUBST Am, Aus

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Before him, batsmen would play either forward or back and make a speciality of a certain stroke.
In the army he made a speciality of female roles and would often make his own dresses.
Basically, his speciality is fighting by wits, and using cleverness to swindle his enemies, so that sometimes even his allies boo him.
The plan of enrollment of students gradually increased, new chairs, offices, laboratories were created, new specialities opened, the material base replenished.
Similar to space medicine, the speciality also contributes to knowledge about nursing care of earthbound patients.
He early developed a liking for research which finally became his speciality.
The organization is grouped by areas of speciality within different functional areas (e.g., finance, marketing, and engineering).
It includes zoologists, botanists, ornithologists, malacologists, naturalists and other specialities.
A second wave of speciality bands emerged in the late sixties and early seventies.
In many cases, the wide range of products carried by larger supermarkets has reduced the need for such speciality stores.

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