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Übersetzungen für spoiled im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . spoil <spoilt, spoilt Am: spoiled, spoiled> [spɔɪl] VERB trans

1. spoil (ruin):

2. spoil child:

II . spoil <spoilt, spoilt Am: spoiled, spoiled> [spɔɪl] VERB intr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The story also has a theme of guilt, as the memories of the passenger are spoiled by the guilt he retains about his past actions.
He is sulky and sullen, with a boyish outlook on his position; many in the play describe him as a spoiled brat.
More than in the case of straight plays, the theatergoer was spoiled for choice with musicals.
The story is a long saga of shipwrecks, plane crashes, unruly feral cattle, unfulfilled contracts, spoiled meat and good money thrown after bad.
Jones is initially presented as an unsympathetic character: spoiled, impulsive, hot-headed.
Rather, consignments are horses selectively bred as bucking stock, excess or unsalable young horses from large ranches, and spoiled riding horses that have become particularly adept at bucking off riders.
When it attempts to take seriously the problems of characters who are spoiled, affluent and unbearably smug, it becomes considerably less attractive.
Children and teens who are perceived as spoiled may be described as overindulged, grandiose, narcissistic or egocentric-regressed.
Due in part to their intelligence and size, they are easily spoiled and can be very headstrong if not well-trained.
His political speeches were always carefully prepared but the effect was to some extent spoiled by a monotonous delivery.

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