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Übersetzungen für storage heater im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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storage heater SUBST Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This allows multiple top-up boosts to storage heaters, or a good spread of times to run a wet electric heating system on a cheaper electricity rate.
In an article offering advice to other would-be renovators, she told how the couple bought some storage heaters, painted the cottage white throughout and then moved in.
Five butane containers, left close to a night storage heater had blown up.
Remote frequency-sensitive programmable relays control water heaters and storage heaters in the buildings of the community.
I was in a one-bed flat, with no double-glazing and storage heaters.
Historically, these have often been used in conjunction with electrical storage heaters or hot water storage systems.
I would like to remind the public to ensure adequate ventilation space is left around storage heaters and other heating appliances.
Electricity made inroads into the home heating market with underfloor heating and night storage heaters using cheap off-peak electricity supplies.
In most countries, storage heaters are only economical (compared to other forms of heating) when used with such a special tariff.
Electric storage heaters are designed to work by using cheaper, off-peak electricity to "charge up" overnight and then releasing the heat during the day.

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