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Übersetzungen für strip-search im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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strip-search VERB trans

Beispielsätze für strip-search

to strip-search sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

To make things worse, the army bully loses a jade pendant and a strip-search is ordered.
After the check-in online facism, the security strip-search and the delays, our travelling is without hope and our joy has vanished.
It was also found that no strip-search took place.
And now, the possibility of a strip-search is part of the procedure as well.
The 25-year-old inmate he targeted is incarcerated for drug-related convictions and officers said her eyes were dilated the night of the strip-search.
That makes up for the strip-search.
It's not that authorities aren't within their rights to strip-search arrestees (just as they would for a less-connected alleged perpetrator).
In other instances, walking out of a house where drugs have been sold is all it takes to be subjected to a strip-search.
Beware of ze fashion police -- they don't just search you, they also strip-search and use their rubber gloves on you.

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