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Übersetzungen für thickens im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

I . thicken [ˈθɪkən] VERB trans

II . thicken [ˈθɪkən] VERB intr

Beispielsätze für thickens

the plot thickens iron

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Fillers are a special type of pigment that serve to thicken the film, support its structure and increase the volume of the paint.
They are widely used in the food industry, for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties.
Definitive criteria include: histopathologic evidence of endometritis, thickened filled fallopian tubes, or laparoscopic findings.
The outer lip is thickened but without an external varix.
However, it will typically contain chicken broth, garlic, ginger, fermented black beans, and eggs, and is thickened with cornstarch.
The second murri is then added to the first, and boiled until thickened.
The tuft on the second joint is small, while the terminal joint is thickened with rough scales anteriorly.
It is a garlic soup which is thickened with sliced day old bolillos.
On the basis it is often slightly thickened or pompous and becomes hollow inside.
The neural plate will form opposite the primitive streak from ectodermal tissue which thickens and flattens into the neural plate.

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