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Übersetzungen für vacancy im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

vacancy <-ies> [ˈveɪkəntsi] SUBST (room, job)

vaga f
to fill a vacancy

Beispielsätze für vacancy

to fill a vacancy

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He sought re-election in the 1908 election, but finished seventh of thirteen candidates in an election in which there were only six vacancies.
The 3rd placed finishers playoff to fill any vacancies.
Then followed an even lengthier period of vacancy, from 1959 to 1973.
In many cities, housing projects suffered from mismanagement and high vacancy rates.
The project's completion coincided with the global financial crisis of 20072012, and with vast overbuilding in the country; this led to high vacancies and foreclosures.
The agencies are engaged in the search for vacancies with sponsors, will organize the vacancies and prepare the necessary documents for participation.
In addition to advertisements for companies and institutions to present their vacancies, advice on application and interviews are included.
Rental rates rose slightly, while vacancy rates varied by submarket and region.
The tower opened with only 30 percent of its space leased and overall vacancy rates in downtown office space neared 25 percent.
He was not a candidate for election to fill the vacancy and resumed business activities.

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