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Übersetzungen für wait on im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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wait on VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These birds wait on an exposed perch and then catch insects in flight.
Males unable to establish harems will wait on the periphery, and will try to mount nearby females.
So the troll took another girl to replace her to wait on him hand and foot.
Not till a numerical superiority which has been lying in wait on the frontiers assailed us did the whole nation rise to a man.
She will not go down to meet him but will wait on the hill for him to come.
Despite this he was forced to wait on the substitute bench for a number of weeks before earning his first start for the club.
To hail a taxicab, you normally just wait on the street or go to locations called taxi stands.
They then wait on raised platforms above a round canal with a turntable in the middle.
These birds wait on a perch and then catch insects in flight, also sometimes picking them up from the ground.
It lies in wait on the sea floor for crustaceans and small fish, such as gobies, to pass by.

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