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Übersetzungen für washing powder im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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washing powder SUBST kein Pl Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It later ventured into other consumer products such as incense sticks and washing powder.
As a result, working out what to choose can be tough and washing powder is no exception.
In 1884 the production of washing powder began and then around the turn of the century first trademarks were registered.
If you don't have the washing powder, the cell can't keep itself clean and so storage material builds up.
Washing powder was eventually replaced by ashes or by using infusions of plants such as soapwort, which lathers like soap.
Time was when you couldn't buy a bottle of washing powder without a dispenser attached.
A joint law enforcement operation lead to the seizure of up to 300 kg of pseudoephedrine hidden in a washing powder shipment.
For example, it is often present in washing powder to act as a water softener by sequestering calcium and magnesium ions.
Hill attended an audition for what he though was for a washing powder commercial.
People even drop washing powder off for me.

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