Englisch » Portugiesisch

Übersetzungen für wish im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

I . wish <-es> [wɪʃ] SUBST

1. wish (desire):

desejo m
a wish for sth
to make a wish

II . wish [wɪʃ] VERB trans

2. wish form (want):

to wish to do sth

III . wish [wɪʃ] VERB intr

if you wish
to wish for sth
to wish for sth (make a wish)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In most conversions, the majority of the original battalion either did not wish to become paratroopers, or failed medical or other tests.
She tells him he will get his wish after he is given forty lashes for his insolence.
The camp also operates off-season for special troop activities or external groups that wish to experience the outdoor spirit of the reservation.
Numbered lecterns in the conference chamber are available to those who wish to speak.
Three teens, three different stories, one death wish.
Reports from residents indicate that individuals had actually turned down other employment opportunities because they did not wish to leave the cooperative, neighborly, low-cost environment of their mutual housing project.
Some stores also ask customers if they wish to donate a dollar at the register when they use a credit or debit card.
Should he wish to withdraw from the project the equity is returnable to him in cash.
It's fair to say that a test bench isn't the first thing the majority of the population's wish list of computer hardware.
When an author begins consecutive sentences with the words "in short", you start to wish that he would, indeed, be a bit shorter.

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