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Übersetzungen für wizard im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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wizard [ˈwɪzərd, Brit -əd] SUBST

mago(-a) m (f)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The wizard wanted to buy it, but the girl did not want to sell a ring that had fallen from heaven.
Wizards have low health and defense against physical damage and are especially weak against higher level warrior magic attacks.
They find a wizard who promises they can return home if they jump into a pool of water.
The wizard became a hen to eat it, but the boy became a pole-cat to bite its head off.
Wizard rock bands generally play all-ages shows at libraries, bookstores and schools, as the promotion of reading is a hallmark of the genre.
As he grew up, the wizard trained him to be a fighter in the arena, and enchanted the golem parts for improved efficiency.
Wizards are very powerful at magic, but rather weak at close combat.
The series is set in a mystical world of elves, wizards and dragons.
When he landed, the people thought he was a great wizard because of his ability to fly.
Whether its brainwashing and overcharging their wizards to openly attacking an event with hundreds of people just to send a slap to their opponents faces.

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