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Übersetzungen für work off im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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work off VERB trans

work off frustration:

Beispielsätze für work off

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If a debtor were seized for debt, he could nominate as "mancipium", or hostage to work off the debt, his wife, child, or slave.
We'd rather work off the tops of our heads than off a piece of paper.
They were obligated to work off their passage.
Solar power plants work off of the idea that symbiotic relationships are important in nature, collecting sun while providing shade for plants to grow.
White merchants, farmers, and business owners could pay their debts and the prisoner had to work off the debt.
It was hoped that this would allow them to work off their surplus aggression.
When writing the words, they must work off of a word they've already written, crossword-style.
He continued to work off and on through the 1960s.
His work off the halfback line and on the wings generated many opportunities for the team's forwards.
The student must work off the scholarship through pre-approved community service activities valued at $15.00 per hour.

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