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Übersetzungen für DIY im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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DIY Abkürzung von do-it-yourself


Siehe auch: do-it-yourself

do-it-yourself [ˈdu:ɪtjɔ:ˈself, Am ˌdu:ɪtjɚˈ-] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is a DIY effort with a strong passion for the music and the scene.
The band have been linked to a number of genres including: cassette culture, industrial music and DIY.
Topics include gender and the economy, as well as more traditional DIY topics, such as construction of tiny houses.
On the punk rock scene, the DIY ethic encourages bands to self-publish and self-distribute.
Brought up in a DIY community, the band came together in 1999, initially doing cover versions, after that they started doing their own songs.
The collection spans over two decades, and features many zines with a radical political perspective, or a focus on punk and other DIY art forms.
The group achieved international renown beginning in 2005, with its DIY aesthetic appealing to many fans of rock and electronic music.
Soon the raw energy of punk evolved into post punk, which combined the DIY ethos of punk with rule-breaking, genre-defying artistic experimentation.
They strongly support the DIY punk ethic, booking their own shows, printing their own merchandise, and releasing their own albums.
The members were committed to a DIY ethic, running their own record labels and booking their own tours.

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