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Übersetzungen für OAU im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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OAU [ˌəʊeɪˈju:] SUBST

OAU Abkürzung von Organization of African Unity


Siehe auch: Organization of African Unity

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It resulted in the deaths of eight people and injuring of 11, all of them students at OAU.
Based in the tea and sugar industries, the OAU also represents workers in the textile, as well as hotel and catering sectors.
The OAU consisted of members of all of the existing organisations and individuals at the time of forming (1975).
The OAU was, however, successful in some respects.
Ever since the establishment of OAU, a total of 82 departments have emerged with numerous courses offered.
The battles continued throughout the summer, punctuated by more OAU mediation efforts and five formal ceasefires.

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