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Übersetzungen für agony im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, the poisoned man screams in agony and dies.
He has successfully shown the agony of migrants and their struggle for identity.
Has the thoughts unravel, he ends up injuring himself by clouting the wall out of agony.
The count screams in despair that he no longer wants to live, since the agony of suspense is worse than death.
He explains this deficiency through pathologies of loneliness, depression and agony which he considers to be the empirical grounding behind his writing.
Instead, lack of money has been replaced with emptiness, agonies, violence, and moral squalor.
This assurance seems to transform the mood from one of agony and despair to one of acceptance.
Belle refuses treatment because her cancer is so advanced she does not want to prolong her agony.
Let the tears of agony we have shed, and the gloom of mourning throughout my command bear witness.
After taking the pill, the person will be subjected to severe agony and suffer a long and painful death.

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