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Übersetzungen für algal im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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algal bloom [ˈælgəlˌblu:m] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This encourages the growth of algae (algal bloom) and other aquatic plants.
Most snow-free areas are so steep and subject to frequent avalanches that only crustose lichens and algal formations are sustainable.
Warnings about coming into contact with the water are released when an algal bloom is detected.
In aquatic ecosystems, species such as algae experience a population increase (called an algal bloom).
The algal bloom also stimulates the growth of zooplankton that feed on them.
Meanwhile, it is clear that the viral nature of the algal bloom is spreading it faster and through more mediums than originally expected.
A very high concentration of green pigments like chlorophyll might indicate the presence of an algal bloom, for example, due to eutrophication processes.
It was expected that the iron sulphate would distribute through the upper 15 m of the water layer and trigger algal bloom.
Tanks are usually installed above ground, and are usually opaque to prevent the exposure of stored water to sunlight, to decrease algal bloom.
The reservoir was treated to prevent against any algal bloom.

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