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Übersetzungen für alight on im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Obligingly, it circles back with grand, slow wingbeats and everyone sees it alight on a jagged snag.
Results matter - and, of course, what happens when the cameras alight on you when you are not watching!
You have to be very lucky to alight on the right grape for the right place straight away.
Then they alight on a show case and pounce.
According to eyewitness reports, the resulting fires caused cars to be set alight on the road, and took a huge bite out of the southbound lane.
Both young and old spiders feed mainly on small flies which alight on walls.
Like all frigatebirds they will not alight on the water surface and are usually incapable of taking off should they accidentally do so.
It might be the reason why neither has set the world alight on the international stage.
So how did she alight on a musical idiom for her nine singers and the small group of musicians?
Some choose to set them alight on the anniversary of a death.

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