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Übersetzungen für appointment book im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In addition to the emails and phone bills, the newspaper also asked for the mayor's appointment books, visitor logs and calendars.
They were also required to submit their books of accounts and official appointment books, containing the names of their clients and the dates and time of the meetings.
It was the first dental practice management system that was based on the appointment book, instead of the patient list or a menu system.
And they leave with swishy hair and their next appointment booked.
Even when my appointment book was full, some patients would hassle my secretary until she was in tears, insisting they see me that day.
Leader's work dropped the waiting time for youths from an average of five months, to having an appointment booked for them the same day.
Notations in an appointment book could simply be reminders of when meetings were taking place, he said.
Keeping an appointment book in the same place at all times or using reminders on digital devices.
Today, his current appointment book is full, with about 60 regulars, plus clients in local rest homes.
Put it in your appointment book and keep it.

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