Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für astray im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

All too often the problem of duplicated place names was causing mail to go astray.
He led astray these people of those mountains and the people of those valleys who are of the strayed people.
She conceals herself by blinding travelers who walk along the road at night, then lures them astray, upon which they disappear without a trace.
Each side went astray in considering their theological framework as the only one that was doctrinally valid and applicable.
The dismantling also led to pieces going astray, either being sold, or simply unaccounted for.
This number would lower further as studio went towards producing short-plays and television commercials and let the industry astray in the wake of cable television.
Therefore, seeing this advertisement could lead people astray to start smoking because of its induced appeal.
His greed is what typically causes him to be led astray.
Instead of attacking straight ahead, as ordered, one of his right wing brigades went astray, heading over to help the left wing.
Those that were led astray by the creature's cries are believed to be able to break the enchantment by turning their clothes inside out.

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