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Übersetzungen für available im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

available [əˈveɪləbl] ADJ

1. available (obtainable):

to be available

2. available (at one's disposal):

to make sth available (to sb)

4. available (free for romantic involvement):

to be available

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Accommodation will not be available every night, so that lightweight camping, or bivouac gear, is necessary, as well as several days supply of food.
Nevertheless, such deep understanding is available only for heavily studied systems such as shallow lakes.
The service is only available on web browsers.
Buses and taxis are available for going to sanctuary, form where in you have to walk about 3 km to reach inside the sanctuary.
The number of pulses per frame gives the number of controllable channels available.
This allows multiple electrical devices to be powered where only a single wall socket is available.
The channel was available to high definition digital television viewers in metropolitan and regional areas through a number of owned-and-operated and affiliate stations.
I see no reason why the means of ascertainment so provided should not now be available both for common law and equity proceedings.
In addition, a liberal-arts program leading to the AA degree is available.
The twist is that practically everything in it is also available to buy -- save for the fitted kitchen and space-saving fold-down beds.

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