Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für back out of im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The ships would deliver their broadsides against the fort, move back out of range to reload, and then come back in to fire again.
In particular, the broom might often throw the cat right at the above-mentioned dog or spider, or throw it right back out of the window.
Realizing he could not sustain the attack, he ordered his men to pull back out of range.
The next morning, however, his uptight attitudes causes him to back out of the affair when he learns that he's not her only lover.
However, over dinner one night, the two women decided to come back out of retirement.
The edited end-product (often referred to as a sequence or playlist) is simply a series of digital files played back out of the editing computer.
Glucose-6-phosphate can not diffuse back out of cells, which also serves to maintain the concentration gradient for glucose to passively enter cells.
The musicians' unmitigated instrumental prowess and practically psychic interaction allow them to seamlessly weave into and back out of the main theme.
As the sodium channels close, sodium ions can no longer enter the neuron, and then they are actively transported back out of the plasma membrane.
Current passed into the set of rotors, into and back out of the reflector, and out through the rotors again.

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