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Übersetzungen für bacteria im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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bacteria [bækˈtɪərɪə] SUBST

bacteria pl of bacterium

Siehe auch: bacterium

bacterium <-ria> [bækˈtɪərɪəm] SUBST

bacterium <-ria> [bækˈtɪərɪəm] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Several species of sulfate reducing bacteria also have the ability to reduce uranium.
This is one of many pieces of evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts are themselves descended from free-living bacteria.
Sewage treatment systems can have an upset, meaning the bacteria that break the wastes down either all died or are unbalanced.
The bacteria employed in the process do not, therefore, pose a health risk to humans or any animals.
The retrieval of these bacteria can be achieved with no impact to the ecosystem.
As more bacteria and diatoms attach to the surface, a microbial biofilm coating the hull is produced.
Caterpillars and pupa fall prey, not only to birds but invertebrate predators, small mammals, as well as fungi and bacteria.
Insoluble organic polymers, such as carbohydrates, are broken down to soluble derivatives that become available for other bacteria.
Ballast water discharge typically contains a variety of biological materials, including plants, animals, viruses, and bacteria.
These substances act as a fertilizer for the bacteria and help them grow at an increased rate.

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