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Übersetzungen für baker im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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baker [ˈbeɪkəɐ, Am -kɚ] SUBST

Beispielsätze für baker

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Baker's chocolate is the most dangerous form since it contains higher concentrations of these drugs, followed by semi-sweet, dark, and then milk chocolate.
Generally, homemade bread goes stale faster than bread from a commercial baker because the former does not include preservatives.
Retail bleached flours marketed to the home baker are now treated mostly with either peroxidation or chlorine gas.
Each episode featured one pastry chef or baker who demonstrates professional techniques that can be performed in a home kitchen.
In its past the early established town boasted three general stores, butcher's, saddler's, blacksmith's and baker's shops.
Bakers would allow residents to cook the dish in their ovens overnight, to be eaten at breakfast.
The last part of the name, becker, was afterwards changed to baker.
Baker's heroic virtue, a prerequisite for his eventual beatification.
The first class consisted of 16 students and the faculty included a dietitian, a baker, and a chef.
Baker attempted to help her, and went inside the station to grab some paper towels to stanch the bleeding until the police and paramedics arrived.

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