Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für bathe im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

I . bathe [beɪð] VERB intr

III . bathe [beɪð] SUBST no Pl

Beispielsätze für bathe

to have a bathe
to bathe in glory

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Come, let us bathe and celebrate the festival, for which the world will praise us.
Jack was bathed in love and crossed over just a few minutes ago.
At each stop, the hogs were bathed as to not overheat during the journey.
However, when a woman's period has ceased, she must bathe and continue fasting.
People most commonly bathe in their home or use a private bath in a public bathhouse.
During hot afternoons and in the dry-season they visit pools of water both to drink and bathe.
Reportedly it was difficult for her to eat, sleep, bathe, or change her clothes.
Homeless shelters, hospitals and prisons have denied trans women admission to women's areas and forced them to sleep and bathe in the presence of men.
These fluids, such as blood plasma and extracellular fluids in other tissues, bathe cells and carry out transport functions for nutrients and wastes.
While gaur depend on water for drinking, they do not seem to bathe or wallow.

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