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Übersetzungen für beefburger im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Let's fight and throw beefburgers at police horses.
Asked for his opinion about the lab-grown stem cell beefburger, unveiled last month as a potential way of meeting increased global demand for meat, he remains equanimous.
People in our country would have been very concerned to read this morning that when they thought they were buying beefburgers they were buying something that had horse meat.
They might not know a bullock from a beefburger, but they sense that high summer is best passed in the country.
That is about the size of a large beefburger.
But -- and this is crucial -- what no one expects when they eat a beefburger is to find out they are eating a horse.
It costs $35,000, and for your money you just get a regular beefburger.
Currently we're enjoying a lunch (selected by the dice) of beefburgers and chips.
Unappetising, like taking the meat and veg out of your beefburger to leave a bap, an ugly splodge of lard and some dubious chemicals.

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