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Übersetzungen für bequest im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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bequest [bɪˈkwest] SUBST JUR

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The bequest of his own collection of over nine thousand more coins provided the nucleus of today's public collection.
Women with jus trium liberorum were no longer submitted to tutela mulierum and could receive inheritances otherwise bequest to their children.
Bequests were made for the nave in 1443, for the porch in 1463, and a donation was made in 1504 for lead.
Despite the vow of poverty, many of the institutions had become very rich through donations, bequests, and the acquisition of land and property.
One result of the bequest was that a building was erected to allow public lectures for the professor, as well as the professor of botany.
This bequest allowed the library to be built and endowed.
Other reported provisions of the will included bequests of up to $10 million to various charities.
Quite a few acquired collections of books, scientific instruments or natural history exhibits, either through purchase or bequest.
A large bequest in 1954 made possible a new museum building.
The property was given to the town by bequest in 1938, for use as a hospital.

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