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Übersetzungen für blotto im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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blotto [ˈblɒtəʊ, Am ˈblɑ:t̬oʊ] ADJ ugs (drunk)

Beispielsätze für blotto

to be blotto

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They have to fly the day before because they're going to be blotto the day they get there.
A 15-year-old boy barred from buying wine gums in case he staggered blotto around the playground at break telling other boys they were his best mate...
I mean, it's not as if you're rolling blotto here -- there's just a chance you might be over the limit.
If a blind date showed up so blotto that she/he could barely speak coherently, we'd cower, not cackle.
A judge has delivered a tongue-lashing on the dangers of drink-driving, after her courtroom was chocker with people who were blotto behind the wheel.
It's now become almost a rite of passage that you're not meant to remember the years of 16 to 21, you're meant to be blotto.
When they are blotto, they don't make demands.
Turns out it is a sharp little ale, veritably blotto with sediment.
Naturally, they will also need to get blotto on the last night in sheer relief they pulled off such a monumentally important event for the company.
Blotto lived long and prospered, due to being his own cat and a ferocious street fighter.

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