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Übersetzungen für blurt out im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If you bump into them and start speaking extemporaneously, you could blurt out something that might give offence and cause the situation to escalate.
One day, our culture will make a tactical retreat from its current desire to blurt out everything.
Some were ready to blurt out the answer before touching the blocks.
But do so with a pinch of salt and heavy dose of wherewithal; you don't have to blurt out immediately that you're travelling alone.
Encourage people to take the time to express their thoughts and feelings, and not blurt out anything.
I blurt out as we head out into the evening.
One was about to blurt out what he thought but actively stopped himself, worried about the response he'd get from us girls.
You can't just blurt out to your workmate that they have bad breath.
In fact, she has a sophisticated instinct for publicity, as well as a willingness to blurt out indiscretions to those beyond the family circle.
The reason for this is a patient under heavy sedation may blurt out secrets.

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