Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für brawl im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . brawl [brɔ:l, Am brɑ:l] SUBST

II . brawl [brɔ:l, Am brɑ:l] VERB intr

Beispielsätze für brawl

a drunken brawl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She realizes, however, that everyone has already left the building to watch a drunken brawl in the parking lot.
Escalations beyond isolated fights, such as line brawls between groups of players on the ice, are prohibited, meaning bench-clearing brawls will result in serious consequences.
This resulted in brawls and fights between both groups, which left a number of dead and wounded.
He began drinking often, and in the months following the incident he became involved in numerous saloon brawls.
The situation escalated into a minor brawl, and the network cut off the broadcast.
Instead of calling a truce, the two beings begin to blame each other for the destruction of the planet and a brawl ensues.
She plays a significant role in freeing the other heroes and shutting down the organization behind the brawls.
Although the initial brawl was broken up by police, the fights continued to escalate the next evening.
The brawl reportedly developed after fans taunted each other with nationalist slogans.
Though the brawls only lasted one afternoon, some of the concerns that students and parents had in the 1990s were brought up again.

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