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Übersetzungen für buoy up im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I wonder if a policy of immigration designed to buoy up our economy might not have been thought through properly.
Some say it didn't buoy up children's confidence -- but, when everyone is marked harder, there is correspondingly less belief that lower grades constitute a catastrophic failure.
Both ports are now exploring expansion options for berthing which tourism bodies say will buoy up passenger spending.
The cutscenes and menus are interesting and engaging, at least, with plenty of humorous injections and factoids helping to buoy up what would otherwise have been dull political prattle.
What may be the more important discussion is how agroecological practices can be identified and adopted in ways that support communities, increase resiliency, buoy up livelihoods and increase biodiversity.
As ocean swells move the buoy up and down, it kicks the pump into action.
Batty is an excellent team man and will buoy up the spirits of those who may find the going (on or off the field).

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