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Übersetzungen für burner im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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burner [ˈbɜ:nəɐ, Am ˈbɜ:rnɚ] SUBST

charcoal-burner SUBST

1. charcoal-burner (person):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The goal was to quickly build a maximum number of installations, which relegated sanitary considerations to the back burner.
Combustion from the top creates a gasification zone with the gas escaping downwards through ports located at the base of the burner chamber.
The most common methods of lighting the burner are using a match or a spark lighter.
It contains seats and beds for the tablets of emperors and empresses, as well as incense burners and offerings.
Upon hearing the news of rich silver deposits miners, traders, charcoal burners and vagabonds quickly poured into this, at that time, inhospitable area.
Typical commercial charbroilers are a system of three main characteristics: (1) burner, (2) radiant, and (3) grate.
Often, the food is cooked right at the table on a gas burner for various "nabemono" dishes such as shabu-shabu.
The burner includes a removable simmer ring, which partially blocks the flame in order to reduce heat output.
Modeled after the gas lighting industry, the first electric utility systems supplied energy through virtual mains to light filtration as opposed to gas burners.
The engine soon encountered problems involved with burning wood, so it was restored back to a coal burner.

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