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Übersetzungen für busybody im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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busybody <-ies> [ˈbɪzɪˌbɒdɪ, Am -ˌbɑ:dɪ] SUBST abw ugs

Beispielsätze für busybody

to be a busybody

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There are also some more derisive terms such as buttinsky or busybody.
The busybody, for the first time perhaps in the history of the world, has been taken at his own estimate of himself.
Social workers are always caricatured as sandal-wearing interferers; the police as pretty dim and flat-footed and teachers as snotty busybodies.
He distrusted reformers as busybodies who were interfering with party patronage.
So we heeded the stern warnings from medical professionals, worried relatives and every other interfering busybody.
The song is about a dispute between a workman digging a hole and an officious busybody wearing a bowler hat.
Unable to mind his own business, he's an interfering busybody who conveniently leaves behind an umbrella everywhere he goes in order to have an excuse to return and eavesdrop.
Colleen mainly served as a source of comic relief and acted as the busybody type character.
He s also a bootlegger and a busybody.
For this folklore the majority of ordinary people (except perhaps monks) were sympathetic with the white snake and not with the busybody monk.

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