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Übersetzungen für careworn im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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careworn [ˈkeəwɔ:n, Am ˈkerwɔ:rn] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He looks older, but also a little more careworn.
He has an enduring weakness around and just outside off-stump but the majority of his dismissals in this series have been caused by careworn strokes attached to limited foot movement.
Has a careworn, but sly countenance and spare person limps in his gait from an accident and loves the ladies.
A bit more careworn, certainly.
You would have shouldered the guilt of finishing his marriage, and watched him grow old and careworn, with diminished libido.
The conclusion was that people who were "biologically old" for their age showed it in many ways - with weaker muscles, slower thinking, narrower arteries and a careworn appearance.
Many scenes take place at twilight, letting the buildings cast long shadows like careworn faces.
He was met by a careworn man in an orange sarong, who gave him a fumbled hug.
You can see it in his careworn expression and his fretting in the middle.
Or do we merely play up to those careworn stereotypes?

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