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Übersetzungen für cash card im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's not a cash card where you just take, take, take from it.
Six per cent went on to say they would prefer to be without their cash card than their carefully edited make-up bag.
Asked by our reporter on the street, people freely admitted they bribed a politician to get a cash card.
He apparently described how police could be alerted as soon as a wanted person used a biometric-enabled cash card or even entered a building via an iris-scan door.
Most provide direct debit and standing order facilities and a cash card; some offer a debit card although many don't.
The school wins 1,000 freshly-baked, healthy option muffins, as well as a $3,000 cash card.
At the end of a round, each player separates his cash cards from the rest and totals them.
The processor on the smart card has an embedded operating system and can handle multiple applications such as a cash card, a pre-paid membership card, or an access control card.
Only a cash card is issued, unlike other more traditional banks which continue to utilize savings passbooks.
Smart cards can be very cheap (around ten cents) and contain proven security mechanisms (as used by financial institutions, like cash cards).

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