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Übersetzungen für catnap im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . catnap [ˈkætˌnæp] SUBST ugs

II . catnap <-pp-> [ˈkætˌnæp] VERB intr ugs

Beispielsätze für catnap

to have a catnap

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The science of the siesta, the art of the catnap, the seminar on shuteye -- programs of study you're unlikely to find in a university course guide.
But unless you have access to a private driver, getting behind the wheel after your nocturnal catnap greatly increases your chances of being in a car crash.
The sudsy vagabond was accompanied by other homeless men pushing shopping carts laden with their earthly possessions, or enjoying a catnap on a bench alongside a woman enjoying her breakfast.
During the early morning hours, dispatchers will often catnap, waking quickly to the phone or alarm.
What's more, researchers have linked catnaps with improved mood.
Overcome with exhaustion, he lies down on the bed for a catnap.
There are deep, bed-sized sofas for catnaps and oversized armchairs for lounging.
Headgear can also be pulled down over your face to aid a mid-afternoon catnap -- the ideal antidote to a heavy night before.
A five-minute catnap is the best guide when choosing your future bedding.
I had to sneak in catnaps to keep from passing out from exhaustion.

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