Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für clang im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . clang [klæŋ] VERB intr

clang bells:


III . clang [klæŋ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Clang is the winner, and inadvertently gets held up by receiving a gold medal.
But in a few weeks, she'll be clanging it.
Wall swished the first free throw, but the second clanged off the glass.
This machine was known for many peculiar sounds; including a hiss on the descent of the pin table and a clang when the pin table is hit by a pin.
Clang's lexer does not attempt to differentiate between type names and variable names: it simply reports the current token as an identifier.
The same room is the location of a large ebony clock that ominously clangs at each hour, upon which everyone stops talking or dancing and the orchestra stops playing.
In fact, on some benchmarks, like box2d, fasta and copy, asm.js is as close or closer to clang than clang is to gcc.
The first fire alarm was sounded by clanging a big iron bell.
When an electric current is applied, it produces a repetitive buzzing or clanging sound.
About an hour later, sailors ran to their battle stations, steel doors clanged shut, and all made ready for battle.

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