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Übersetzungen für cold wave im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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cold wave SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Over a dozen deaths were attributed to the cold wave, with dangerous roadway conditions and extreme cold cited as causes.
The cold wave of flops has the film fraternity in its chilly grip.
With this, we can further say that cold wave conditions have tightened its grip over the northern plains.
The precise criterion for a cold wave is determined by the rate at which the temperature falls, and the minimum to which it falls.
The country has been hit by a severe cold wave sending temperatures plummeting to -16?
The cold wave traveled much further south than normal, such that when the precipitation arrived, freezing temperatures were occurring all of the way down to the coast.
Energy conservation, difficult as it is in a cold wave, may require such measures as collecting people (especially the poor and elderly) in communal shelters.
The cold wave had very sunny and dry weather for over a month-long period and brought the lowest temperatures for the 2012-13 winter season.
On the other, global warming "advocates" explain the cold wave as another example of extreme weather forced by increased greenhouse gases.
Areas with subtropical climates may recognize unusual cold, perhaps barely freezing, temperatures, as a cold wave.

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