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Übersetzungen für condescend im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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condescend [ˌkɒndɪˈsend, Am ˌkɑ:n-] VERB intr usu iron (lower yourself)

Beispielsätze für condescend

to condescend to do sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.
He knows better than to condescend to his audience in his art, or to berate it, or to subject it to bland cliches.
Maybe the creator created it because he thought it was funny, or maybe he made it to condescend the race.
Not to mention, his use of truly inspiring, and often humorous copy that did not condescend or talk down to the reader.
Why did world leaders wait so long to bring in their elaborate emergency support plan, and why did they not condescend to bring about global economic recovery earlier?
Don't allow yourself to be patronised, condescended to.
This was music by, for, and about a whole new group of young people who had been overlooked, ignored, or condescended to.
He would never condescend to be in cliques, though his good nature sometimes was used for such purposes.
The six swans, still offering fresh water to passers-by, were late additions, the artist condescending the audience's apprehension of the sculpture as mere luxuriousness.
And they respected him not just for his consistent stand against discrimination but also because--he never condescended to them.

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