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Übersetzungen für contradiction im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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contradiction [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃn, Am ˌkɑ:n-] SUBST

Beispielsätze für contradiction

a contradiction in terms

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Researchers reviewing these contradictions state that potential reason for these conflicts include the method of preparation and timing of application.
Genuine "anekntavda" thus considers positive and negative attributes of an object, at the same time, and without any contradictions.
The validity of even the forms of experience is called in question on account of the contradictions they are found to involve.
The loose-ends and the contradictions in the story expose a tissue of lies by many persons at many levels.
Not infrequently illustrated conflicts and contradictions between the classic hero and villain, the latter often depicted as the deviant, dark and outcasts.
Most of the possible settings would cause contradictions and be discarded, leaving only a few to be investigated in detail.
Social science research suggests that reasoning away contradictions is psychologically easier than revising feelings.
The third theme is the examination of the everyday practices of heterosexual couples and the contradictions in our ideas of sexuality.
But as it seems, the apparent contradictions between systematics and biogeography are due the premature classifications based on insufficient taxon sampling.
This is because his methodology fails to address any possible contradictions within the socioeconomic foundations of society.

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