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Übersetzungen für copy desk im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Assignment editors, including the city editor, who supervise reporters' work, may or may not work with the copy desk.
At many newspapers, copy editors who review stories for publication work together at what is called a copy desk, supervised by a copy desk chief, night editor, or news editor.
A stint covering education followed that, and then he moved to the copy desk, editing stories written by other people.
This time, he is sent back to the copy desk as punishment.
He went on to establish the fact-checking department and acted as chief proofreader at the copy desk.
Each year, copy desk executives, professionals, students and academics come together for three days of workshops and panel discussions.
On particularly fast-breaking stories, the copy boy hovered near the city editor's desk, ready to grab the corrected prose and run it to the copy desk.
The story goes to the copy desk where it receives another check.
The copy desk and the bench of editors, even as the paper changes and loosens, still will not tolerate crudeness, lewdness, and sternness.
He has also been advertising and newspaper copy desk.

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