Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für cross-legged im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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cross-legged [ˌkrɒsˈlegd, Am ˌkrɑ:sˈlegəd] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Meals are lacto-vegetarian, prepared by resident cooks, and had while sitting cross-legged (yoga style) in a dining area.
However, it sits with its legs extended outward, not cross-legged, and will often support itself on nearby branches.
A child sits on this part of the base, cross-legged and straddling the pole, and turns the disk, spinning the child in the other direction.
Headstands, shoulder stands, lotus and half lotus (seated cross-legged position), forward bends, backward bends, and handstands produced the greatest number of injuries.
The images you're looking at are a grid of nine photographs of her young son sitting cross-legged.
He often sat cross-legged on a deerskin and had a grayish-white beard, mustache and long, dark, stringy hair.
Like the heike biwa, it is played held on its side, similar to a guitar, with the player sitting cross-legged.
We slouch, we hunch over and perhaps we sit cross-legged or curl our legs under our seats.
One is that this name was chosen in reference to the cross-legged position in which tailors once sat.
Everybody remains seated, cross-legged, although one is allowed to stretch the legs from time to time.

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